Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Goals of Social Media in Education

Goals of Social Media Use in Education

Colleges and universities are clamoring for the attention of today’s college students who are always connected. But with heavy competition from social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, the attention of millennials can be hard to keep. With that, it is no surprise that colleges and universities have embraced social media as a means to engage students.
When it comes to reaching a target audience, social media trumps traditional media: one in three schools find social media more efficient. In using social media, the primary goals are to engage alumni and maintain the college’s brand image.
For colleges and universities, Facebook reigns supreme as the social network most successful at meeting goals.
Are colleges successful when it comes to using social media? Sixty-five percent of colleges would say they are “somewhat successful.” A confident 2 percent of colleges would consider their social media strategies a “model of success.”
Check out the full infographic below to learn more about how colleges use social media.

Social Media Goals - Infographic

Do you think schools are effectively utilizing social media for their own needs?

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